We the participants of the Seminar which was held in the 22nd to 24th of June 2013 in the Hall of the La Verna Retreat House realized that the human trafficking phenomenon, based on the available data , get worst and spread in the society. Although the human trafficking issues getting worst, it seems that our government has no strong will to prevent it. We know that our government in handling the human trafficking work very slowly. The human soul has no virtue anymore. Who will appreciate our own nations, we ourselves must do it .

We understand that the human trafficking is caused by the poverty and the social system which is injustice in our society, specially about the gender unequal.

We understand that poverty and the social system which humiliate the women as a danger for the women to become the victims of the human trafficking

We understand the negative effects of the modernity and the consumptive culture cause the young people who come from the economically poor family are snared by the human trafficking trap. 

We understand that the human trafficking is as an insulting to the human dignity and God the Almighty Creator.

We believe that God has created human being for getting happiness, peace and dignity during their lives. We understand that works and various of human culture should be used for improving and developing human capability

We are sure that all religions support all efforts and cultures which struggle for the human dignity

We know that up to now the government does not yet side with the poor and the women

Based on our understanding and belief stated above we, as individual or together will struggle hard to abolish the human trafficking practice.

We will together : 
  • To form a Network apposed the Human Trafficking
  • Working together, mutual giving information about the human trafficking issues, explanation about the danger of the human trafficking to the network members and the society, helping the victims of the human trafficking legally or non legally, giving advocacy to the lawmaker to minimize the human trafficking practice.
  • Working together with various local, regional, national or international institutions for achieving our goal in handling the human trafficking
We form this network for helping others especially the victims of the human trafficking to have dignity and get better life.

                                                                        La Verna, the 23rd June, 2013

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